So I like to WoW cataclysm Gold do what I call ride the Viper which is only running Viper while on the steady shot part of our rotation this is very easy to do doesn't mess up our rotation because aspect of vipers off the global cooldown and causes zero mana swap into that looks like this

obviously you don't need to do this at 80% Mana more like around 15% to 20% mana, depending on your gear at level 80 chimera is 454 Mana Amed is 403 and arcane is 252.

That's 1009 mana, a level 80 And not quite previous I have 10.4k mana, so around 15% is a good time to start thinking about Viper. This is the best way I have come up with to use Viper. And just to make this clear in case anyone was confused, we don't want to use Viper at all. Going into Viper is a DPS loss. If we have RAID buffs don't have a lot of AOE or have super long fights we should be able to go a lot of fights without ever having to use it.

This is just if we do have to use it. A we rotation you all like to make a big deal out of a rotation for some reason. It's pretty simple. Can you put an Explosive Trap down before the pool? If yes, do so. Are you close to the mobs? If yes, put down explosive, if not start volleying and that's it. You just volley and put Explosive Trap down if it doesn't have you running all over the place. If there's a ton of AOE being like sustained daily in your run home. Some people like to say use Viber sting and chimera.

I have not had great luck with that. The men return isn't that big of a deal and you don't get man Oh returned. When you first cast a viper. What I do is go into Viper multi-shot or cane shot camera shot, then go back into dragon hawk and start volleying again. That should give you enough mana to do one volley two if you have a raid buffs and final thing. The actual affected area for volley is slightly larger than a little bit of what you put down, but only slightly melee weaving. Melee weaving is completely dead.

Confirmed by Blizz man, I tested it. While this does suck a little bit, we weren't compensated with a better AutoShot. And now trap weaving is a thing. So yeah, it's dead could asking about it. Traveling is irritating. But if there's enough interest in that in the spec, we can talk about it in another video. I guess cooldowns we have a lot more cooldowns now, but honestly, there's not a lot to say about them.

I do still recommend putting everything into WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold a macro like this so you can pop them all at once. Depending on your spec, some will line up again like rapid fire and called the wild. Yet don't leave Call of the Wild on auto cast. Readiness doesn't reset the cooldown on call the wild unfortunately, so any subsequent call of the Wilds will be misaligned.