Butyl rubber sheet construction common precautions:

In the use of the site laying construction process, the first thing to do is to observe and check the construction environment when there is a fire and heat source, whether there is wire leakage, should pay attention to ventilation, fire safety, although the rubber pad itself insulation from the fire, but different types of products can not do everything well, safety is good, if you need to choose fire retardant rubber pad, you can choose flame retardant rubber sheet;

Before using the rubber pad, you can wipe and clean the used surface with gasoline, and then apply the rubber product liquid after drying, which can not only maintain the rubber pad, but also make the surface of the rubber pad more clean and smooth;

The use of Butyl rubber sheet is the contact surface with the ground 30-50mm along the side must be trimmed, you can use coarse grinding wheel, rough sandpaper, wood file and other mild trimmed;

The Butyl rubber sheet of cement floor construction should be free of dust, grease and water. If the above substances must be cleaned, the indoor must be dry and ventilated.

Butyl rubber sheet is laid in the power distribution room

The working environment temperature is 25℃-42℃, the relative humidity of the air is not more than 60%, and the ventilation environment is maintained well;

The concentration of rubber liquid can not be too high, the liquid such as too high concentration, give up continue to use;

The rubber liquid must be gently brushed twice with a brush on the ground and the contact surface of the rubber pad to ensure that the indoor air is dry, and it can be placed for more than 20 minutes under ventilated conditions. The second time, when the hands continue to keep the air dry and the hands feel sticky, the formal use begins.

Butyl rubber sheet in the ground after use, need to continue to use a weight of about 5 kg round roller rolled about 5 times;

In the process of construction operation, when it is seen that the cement floor is dehydrated and rolled due to the use of mechanical equipment, etc., the construction and maintenance of the cement floor can be carried out using the above methods.

Butyl rubber sheet https://www.sincererubbertech.com/Butyl-rubber-sheet.html