That's it. It's official. Burning Crusade got off to an unpredictably poor beginning, but as of the time of writing, the issues of performance that WoW cataclysm Gold we faced during the initial few days have been largely forgotten and we're enjoying every moment we have exploring the beautiful and dangerous new areas. Your mileage will be different with respect to the server you're on, obviously however, the initial excitement for new areas has ended, and honestly it's a wonderful time to be an avid WoW Cataclysm Classic player. You can expect a complete report on The Burning Crusade soon.

Listen to me out on this: having an oversized bat that resembles an dildo, or even uttering the word "dildo bat" is an exciting step in the game industry. This is a serious argument that's been made, when Carolyn Petit, Kevin VanOrd, Tom Mc Shea, and Tom Magrino tackle played-out tropes within their role in Saints Row: The Third. Additionally, Need for Speed: The Run does not leave us breathless, panting and asking for more. After the run? You're not even tired!

WoW Cataclysm Classic expansion confirmed

Due to the rising popularity of WoW Cataclysm Classic --which reached the 2 million subscribers mark in the last week -- it was only a matter of time before it was able to get another expansion package.

However, publisher and developer Blizzard Entertainment has been silent regarding the possibility of an expansion to the hugely online multiplayer role-playing game. There was theories that the lack of activity could be due to the fact that a lot of designers who were assigned to the project were leaving Blizzard to join NCsoft which was stalling development on the idea. Some pointed to the many jobs posted on the Blizzard's website as proof that the company was just beginning to increase work on the project.

But it wasn't until this morning that Blizzard officially announced it--or some of their employees made it official anyway. In the forums of the official WoW Cataclysm Classic forums, Shane Dabiri, lead producer of the WoW Cataclysm Classic development team posted a lengthy post entitled " WoW Cataclysm Classic Battleplan." Alongside announcing improved customer support as well as the addition of servers and games, Dabiri's post included a reference to the $64,000 figure. "Some have inquired about the possibility of an expansion, and what it may contain," he said. "I wanted to inform players that the expansion is in development and we'll make announcements when we are able."

For those who play on computers, that's what Dabiri has said about an expansion. Blizzard officials who were contacted via WoW cataclysm Gold for sale did not offer any other information at the time of press.