The new vampiric plague that has appeared in the Sanctuary serves as the central plot point of Diablo 4: Season of Blood. Players have banded together with a hunter by the name of Erys in order to combat this disease and eliminate the ever-present danger posed by these vampires.

Vampire Hunters Wanted is a new promotional event that Blizzard has launched, and it requires players to demonstrate their prowess in the field of vampire hunting. This event is designed to fit in with the overall theme of the new season.

The following is a rundown of everything that players need to know in order to participate in this event.


How exactly does one get involved in the Vampire Hunters Wanted event for Diablo 4?


  • The Vampire Hunters Wanted event for Diablo 4 is currently active and will run until November 2, 2023

  • During the course of this event, you will be required to demonstrate your skill in slaying vampires and create a piece of content that is at least ten seconds long that can be shared on TikTok, Instagram, or Twitter/X

  • To have your entry considered for this competition, it is mandatory that you use the #DiabloHunters tag when submitting it

After the conclusion of the event, there will be a drawing to select three winners who will each receive one of the following prizes:

A letter with Sarah Michelle Gellar's signature on it.$500 worth of Blizzard Battle. net currency redeemable via digital code. A box containing a variety of vampire hunter relics and artifacts.

This occurrence can only take place in a select few nations. In addition, the official guidelines for the Diablo 4 Vampire Hunters Wanted event are available for viewing on this page.

It's fascinating to watch the developers create different kinds of promotional events. Not only does it perform exceptionally well in terms of marketing, but it also has the potential to contribute to an increase in the total number of players participating in the game. They were forced to go to great lengths in order to maintain the game's existence after the number of players dropped significantly during the Season of the Malignant.

Players have been flocking back to Diablo 4 gold ever since the release of Season of Blood, thanks in large part to the numerous quality-of-life updates that have been implemented in the game since then. The overall gameplay has been improved thanks to the changes that were made, which were highly requested by players despite the fact that it is still too early to make any comments.

The game does still have some kinks to work out and could use some tweaks here and there, but other than that, everything else is pretty much in place. It will be interesting to see all of the changes and fixes that the developers have planned out for the remainder of Season of Blood, given that more updates are scheduled to be released during the current season.